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Monday, December 24, 2012

Review: A Vampire Christmas

Posted by Charlene // Tags: , ,
A Vampire Christmas
(A Dark Dates Short Story)
by Tracey Sinclair

Plot Summary:

It’s Christmas in London but Cassandra Bick, owner of the human/vampire dating agency Dark Dates, doesn’t feel much like celebrating. There’s a rogue vampire running loose on the streets and Cassandra and her friends must try to stop him before he strikes again – even if that means enlisting the help of Laclos, the flirtatious vampire with very definite ideas of what (or who) he wants to unwrap this Christmas…

A note: 

I read and reviewed the first book in the Cassandra Bick Chronicles - Dark Dates, and really enjoyed it, so I was happy to read this short story.  It's a little spoilery if you haven't read the first book in the series so I highly recommend you picking it up!


This was a very light read - there's not much to the mystery of the rogue vampire as it is so soon solved and dealt with, so it's Cassandra's snarky sense of humor and her thoughts on Christmas that really make up the heart of the story.  It's a filler piece that comments somewhat on how things ended for Cassandra and her love interests in the first book.  Quick, and entertaining this is a fun and thoughtful short story to read around the holidays that makes you appreciate life's blessings.

review copy kindly provided by the author