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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Awesome Adaptations (8) - The Adventures of TinTin

Posted by Charlene // Tags: ,

Awesome Adaptations is a weekly bookish meme, hosted at Alisa Selene’s books blog, Picturemereading.  Anyone can play along! Each week there is a new category of adaptation to blog about. Any format (television series, film, web series, etc.) is acceptable as long as it is based in some form on a book. If you’re playing along on your own blog, just mention Picturemereading in your post and include the banner above. Let them know which film you’d pick and why it is an awesome adaptation worth watching. Oh, and don’t forget to share the link to your own post in the comments for that week’s challenge so that everyone can read your thoughts!

An awesomely animated adaptation
Title: The Adventures of TinTin: The Secret of the Unicorn
Adapted from The Crab with the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn, and Red Rackam's Treasure by Hergé

I've only recently become interested in the TinTin stories.  They are wildly popular in Europe, but I had never even heard of them.  That was unacceptable.  After reading a couple of the comics, I couldn't wait to watch this adaptation and I was not disappointed.  The first thing that really struck me was the photorealistic animation - it looks so gorgeous!  The lighting brings out all the beauty of the scenery and the camera angles are varied and sweeping.  I loved how the scene transitions were so visually complex and interesting.  One that sticks out in my mind is a scene where we are looking at a ship in the ocean from high up, and then it becomes a spot in a puddle that a man's foot steps in.  Really clever!

The story is a fantastic adventure tale - throwing in all of the things that is great about TinTin - his determination and resourcefulness, his wonderfully smart and brave dog, Snowy, and showing the beginning of TinTin and Captain Haddock's friendship, all with a dangerous treasure hunt underway.  TinTin is threatened and kidnapped and robbed, but he finds a way to discover the truth and defeat the baddies.  The chase scene near the end especially stands out in my mind as a thrilling roller coaster ride of ups and downs as TinTin and his crew try to retrieve important scrolls taken by the enemy.  The story is full of great family friendly adventure and funny characters while also looking polished and realistic making this an awesomely animated adaptation.