I now blog over at The Eyre Guide! This blog is an archive of my past posts.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Some Whimsical Facts About My Blog

Posted by Charlene // Tags: , ,

Tomorrow (March 31st) will be my 3rd year blogoversary! Each blogoversary is still kind of amazing to me - I’m so glad that I’ve kept up with this hobby for so long. It’s still a lot of fun to share my thoughts on books and other fandoms and interact with so many wonderful bloggers! This is the first time I’m properly posting about my blogoversary actually - it’s always kinda snuck up on me before in the past.

To celebrate, I’m going to highlight some assorted facts about my blog and the creation of it -

My Blog Name

Finding the name for my blog was VERY difficult. I think I went through a couple of names in the beginning - the very first one I can’t remember, but the second one lasted me some time - like a week. For a time I used the name “Le Livre Pond” which integrated two things that I have an interest in - the French language and Doctor Who. But after awhile, I didn’t really like it, and also it was hard for me to create a simple visual for it that I could use for my blog layout. So I went back to the drawing board, by thinking of words that I really like and I like the word “whimsy.” And then I just added in the Bookish to make it a book blog related name.

My First Blog Design

When I first started, I created a blog design from a template, deciding that to highlight the ‘whimsy’ I would find a cute illustration of a girl reading and use that for the design. So after a lot of searching, I found this image that I liked. While I think the design I had at first was cute, it wasn’t polished enough for me, so I went to a blog designer to re-do it for me.  And now I'm on my fourth look!
my original header


I think being on Goodreads was an important impetus for my deciding to start a book blog. I really became aware of there being a community of readers from that and funnily enough the reason I signed up for Goodreads in the first place was because of “Jane Eyre” the 2011 film. There was a contest going for something about the film and one of the entry options was adding the movie tie-in edition to your Goodreads account. So that was the first book I added to my page.


Some random info of things on my blog so far:
Number of books reviewed on the blog: 303 books
Number of posts: 825
And for some reason, these are my three most viewed posts during the three years I've been blogging:

And I would like to invite anyone who is interested to do a similar post about their blog!  Talk a bit about:
  •  The inception of your blog - how and why you decided to start it
  •  How you came up with your name and any previous names you had 
  • What you initially wanted for your blog design
If you decide to post about this, please let me know so I can go visit your post!