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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Pokemon Go Book Tag

Posted by Charlene // Tags: , ,

I'm a bit addicted to PokemonGO, so when I saw Aentee's book tag, I had to participate!  Even though it took me awhile to find the time to write my answers to the tag, heh.  I'm so glad to mix my love for books and my new love for this game though. :)   And thank you also to Aentee for the wonderful graphics she created for this!  I tag anyone PokemonGO players who would also love to mix the two fandoms.

The Game:  For the starter, I picked Charmander, because my nickname is "Char" sometimes, and... that's pretty much why I have a connection with Charmander. LOL

The Book: This is a hard one... I'm not sure I remember the book that started it all, but it may have been a Nancy Drew book, or The Black Stallion by Walter Farley, which started me on reading book series.  I know The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain started me on reading the Classics when I was in high school.

The Game: I was so excited when I first got Pikachu! I click on his icon a lot to hear him say "pi-ka-chu".  So much cuteness.  I'm going to be a little sad to evolve him. :)

The Book: I'll have to go with my usual Classic favorite (everything) - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.  It's a book and a story that will always stay with me, and I'm sure I'll continue to reread it into my dotage.

The Game: Not a fan of the zubats.  And the evolved version is even creepier.  I normally don't mind bats though, but these are a bit creepy looking to me, and their fluttering makes them hard to catch!

The Book: I can't think of a book I didn't want to read just because it's overplayed, usually I won't want to read it because it doesn't interest me. 

The Game: Don't know where to get this pokemon, and not really familiar with it either, but hopefully it will turn up in my game someday!

The Book: The first book in the Glamourist Histories series - Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal is so very Austen-esque to me.  And it's funny that the tone and genre of the series changes as it moves forward.  The first book is excellent - a great proper romance.

The Game:  I don't have a Snorlax, but I see a lot of gyms with one so I see he's a great and powerful pokemon to have!

The Book: Game of Thrones!  I'm curious about it and would prefer to read it before attempting to watch the TV series (which I'm not even sure I will do that since it seems so graphic and violent), but the length of the books, and also the fact that it's not finished yet has put me off.  One day I'll get around to it I expect!
The Game: Eep, another one I'm not familiar with/have caught!  I guess I should walk around at night more and play. :)

The Book: I feel bad that a book hasn't kept me up at night lately... from awhile ago Me Before You by Jojo Moyes was a book I couldn't put down until I finished it.  And then I was kept up further by needing to have a good cry...

The Game: Aw, I have the un-evolved versions of these two, and they are much cuter un-evolved. LOL  But I will get them to this point some time!  I do see them around a lot in my area, I wonder why that is.

The Book: Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson has a glorious OTP - Kate and Henry.  Childhood friends, but Kate can't imagine that Henry would be in love with her.  The tension between them is gorgeous!

The Game: Rapidash!  This is the one pokemon I can't wait to get.  I'm slowly collecting so I can evolve my Ponyta, but there are not enough Ponytas in my area sadly.

The Book: The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.  My goodness, I listened to it on audiobook, and in less than two weeks, blew through five books.  The stories are so addicting, and the cliffhanger endings made it worse.  And Jericho Barrons was pretty sexy. :)

The Game: Eevee was one of my first Pokemon catches, and I was so excited because they are so cute!  Their evolved forms are not as cute, but they are pretty powerful, so I'm eager to get all three (I have two so far).

The Book: Although I haven't yet decided if I want to read The Cursed Child, it does make me kind of happy that J.K. Rowling is returning to the world of Harry Potter.  I don't know if it's the best idea, but I love that she loves the world and the stories so much to keep returning (I refuse to believe it's motivated more by money!).  I will definitely be watching Fantastic Beasts when it comes out!

The Game: I keep hoping for something amazing to come out of my Poke-eggs when they hatch, but most of the time they are Pokemon that I already have.  Oh well.

The Book: Wow this one is tough, because I'm not really up on the new novels coming out...  Unfortunately I'll have to mention a book that's not a debut novel, but something different that I'm really looking forward to reading - Happy by Derren Brown.  The full title is Happy: Why Everything is More or Less Absolutely Fine.  Derren Brown is one of my favorite people, and this book will have his particular sense of humor while also exploring finding happiness in the everyday through philosophy and changing your thinking.  Which I find fascinating. 
The Game:  I haven't even used a lure module yet!  I've definitely taken advantage when it's been set-up by someone else at a Poke-stop, but I think I'm waiting until I'm sat somewhere for 30 minutes and it's a place that might yield some Pokemon I don't usually see around.

The Authors: I have a few lately - Susan Dennard of course because she's awesome, as is her bestie  Sarah J. Maas.  Also anything by Sebastien de Castell, Julianne Donaldson and Mary Robinette Kowal.  

The Game: I'm excited to see how the legendary birds will figure in the game!  

The Book: Hmm, it's not "overhyped" I think cause it's really good I'm sure, but I've been hearing a lot about it lately, and I still haven't gotten around to reading it - Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.  Really excited to read it, and now that the second book is coming out soon-ish I should wait and read them both in one go. :) 

The Game: Thankfully the people behind the game seemed to have stabilized the servers, but it was really funny how often the game would go down and people would complain.  I mean, maybe the company should have worked faster at getting the servers going, but I'm sure no one expected how crazy Pokemon Go would be!

The Book:  After reading an ARC of Truthwitch by Susan Dennard, the second book, Windwitch was high on my NEED to read list.  It's still going to be awhile before I can though *tear*.  I'm going to be begging and pleading for an ARC though, I'm sure!

The Game:  You know I didn't know what Magikarp evolved into, so when I saw it takes 400 candies (!!) to evolve it, I was shocked.  And then someone told me what it evolved into, and I'm in desperate need of Magikarp in my area...

The Book: The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. Even though I heard great things about it when it first came out, I wasn't as motivated to read it, due to it feeling a bit MG, and not very epic.  But when I started it, the book wowed me with it's complexity and the awesomeness of the main character.  I just love characters who have a plan that no one else is aware of.  And can execute it, despite daunting odds.  Those kinds of characters are fascinating to me.  And bonus that the character reminds me strongly of another in a favorite series of mine - Gen from The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner.

The Game: Don't know much about these Pokemon, other than they are very, very rare.... so I have little hope of seeing them, haha.

The Book: I don't have a particular edition yet, but the Folio Society puts out some beautiful editions of classics, and even though they have a Jane Eyre one right now, I personally think it's a bit ugly, so I'm hoping that some time in the future they will do a new one, and I'll drop the cash for that one.