Is there a book you lie about, because you feel ashamed for liking it?
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I know, it's a crazy book. My jaw dropped so many times reading that book. But I liked it! Everybody got their happy ending, it made sense to me, and it was a satisfying read. Full circle and happy. I'm a sucker for happy endings. Although I don't really lie about liking it, I just don't say anything about it. :)

Which book do you love that has a hideous cover?
Well I wouldn't say "hideous" but The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta. Actually the more I see it, the more I'm upset that such a wonderful, beautiful book has such a mediocre cover. The cover blending looks a bit amateurish (especially for the last book - Quintana of Charyn) and the books are just so much more than the cover indicates. In fact if I was more talented at photoshop I would try to do a re-cover for the whole series.

Do you ever buy a book based on the cover alone and if so, what is the last one?
Not really - I mean I pick up books based on the cover and then evaluate from the synopsis if I would like to read it. The last book I bought because of it's eye-catching cover was Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan. Mostly because the publishers changed the cover and I don't like the new one, so I wanted to own the original cover before they stopped selling it.

Who is your favorite book couple?
Oh well of course my number one favorite would have to be Jane and Rochester from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. My perfect romance, and it's a wonderful love story based on mutual respect and the characters getting to know each other through conversations.

Do you ever branch out to new genres or do you like to stick with the ones you know and love? If you try new things out, what is the latest book?
Sadly I don't really branch out, mostly because I know what I like and I'm usually disappointed if I try something new. But I think the last book I read in a genre I don't normally read is Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta which was... well disappointing. But I think it's mostly because contemporary is really not my thing.

What is the last book that made you stay up all night?
Cress by Marissa Meyer. I just had to finish it! (And it's a fitting book for this survey!) Towards the end everything just started getting more and more nerve-wracking, I could hardly take the stress of the suspense! But it was such a good book!

What is the worst book you’ve read last month?
Although it wasn't that bad, my lowest rated book from last month was The Vanishing by Wendy Webb. It was very atmospheric and creepy but ultimately I was disappointed by the characters and the resolution.

What is the latest book treasure/gem you found?
One of my recent reads - Stolen Songbird by Danielle Jensen was just fantastic! I loved the fantasy and the romance, and it was so engrossing - probably the second book will be my most anticipated read of the next year!

Which book made you really feel like you landed in another world?
One of my favorite fantasy series The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind features some incredible worldbuilding. It's a long series, and the characters journey pretty much all throughout the land so we see a lot of how people in the different lands live and how that has shaped them. It's a wonderful series with fantastic characters and lots of action, drama and romance.

Who is one of your favorite kick-ass heroines?
Again from a more recent series - Celaena Sardothien from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. She's an assassin so kick-ass comes with the territory but she's also confident, smart and loves cake, so really I would love to be her!

What is a book you thought you would hate, but end up loving?
I usually don't pick up a book I think I'll hate, but for a book that I really loved despite it not being one of my preferred genres is Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta. Another contemporary read which according to my experience with Jellicoe Road I probably shouldn't have liked, but I absolutely loved it, and it almost made me want to pick up more contemporary books. Almost.

Hansel and Gretel – Left alone in the woods and captured by a witch.
Which duo (sister/sister, brother/sister) is your favorite and why?
Elsa and Anna from Frozen? No, doesn't count? It was hard to come up with an answer for this actually, I can't remember many books where both siblings really stood out. The first one I thought of was Alex and Conner from Chris Colfer's The Land of Stories series. They are sort of like Hansel and Gretel anyway, and wind up in fairy tale land. They are typical siblings though and fight, but they work together and through their trials they become closer so it was a great character arc for the both of them.

Little Red Riding Hood – Almost eaten by a wolf dressed as her grandmother.
What book disappointed you after falling in love with the cover and blurb?
Dangerous by Shannon Hale. I was so unbelievably excited by this book. I love Hale's writing and the blurb sounded amazing. It was just okay though - the characters and the plot were mediocre. As I was reading I kept re-evaluating my feelings to try and find something to really love about it, but it didn't really happen. I'll still read anything by Shannon Hale though!

Which book do you love that doesn’t get enough attention?
I don't know if this is really a series that doesn't get enough attention, but I hadn't heard of it at all for the longest time, and I don't know too many people who have read it, so I'm going to say The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. The main character is FANTASTIC, and the twists and turns in the story are incredible. I just adore this whole series!
This is an amazing survey! Thanks for sharing and adding to me TBR pile. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! :D I hope you have the chance to do the survey too!
DeleteThis is such a cute survey! :) I remember reading (rather, listening to) On the Jellicoe Road too, and thinking that it was... Well, there were parts that I liked and parts that that I didn't. I skimmed your review, and I agree that the seriousness that the kids took the territory wars was rather odd. I mean, really? Enough to beat each other up over?
ReplyDeleteThat being said, now I want to read Saving Francesca. :D
Oh good, I am glad you felt the same way about Jellicoe Road! I wonder if we both would have liked it better if we had read the book instead of listened to the audiobook? But I hope you like Saving Francesca!
DeleteAwh, I love what you did with the cute pictures in front of the questions <3 Adorable :D
ReplyDeleteI have the other edition for Finnickin of the Rock (the one with the sword) and it's such a pretty, shiny hardback cover. Jane and Rochester <3 Cress kept me up all night too. I'm so happy with all the positive buzz around Stolen Songbird, I loved this book. And Celaena is one of my favorite kick-ass heroins. I recently got hooked to the queen's thief series, I'll be reading part 3 soon.
Thank you! I couldn't think of how to do a banner image for the post, so I thought doing individual pictures would work too! :)
DeleteThe sword cover for Finnikin is better than the ones with a people on it, but I still think they could do better! Probably something minimalist would appeal to me more for these books - really classy and spare. :) I am so happy I decided to read Stolen Songbird after reading all the great comments - it's probably my favorite read this year!
Ooh you are fan of the Queen's Thief!! I'm glad to hear it! I hope you'll review the third book - it's probably my favorite of the series!
OMG you made this survey look soooo cute!!! Bravo! I've been meaning to do this survey just haven't made time yet. Maybe tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteAw thanks! I look forward to reading all about your picks!
DeleteI just saw a mention of Stolen Songbird--yay! Totally loved that book. I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet, but I really liked the movies, haha! I read the first two and they weren't as bad as a lot of people say. :) Unspoken does have a pretty cover--it's sitting unread on my shelf, actually. D: Cress was adorable! #TeamThorne all the way, lol! <3 I haven't read the other books in here yet, but I'll have to check them out! :D
ReplyDeleteOh you liked the movies! I don't get that opinion a lot! (I mostly liked them - especially the last scenes in BD part 2) Ooh Unspoken is a great read! You should bump that up your TBR list if you can! And DEFINITELY I'm #TeamThorne! It's so funny how much he steals the show in the books! :)
DeleteThis is a great survey. You talked about many books I haven't heard a lot about.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I hope some of the books sound interesting enough to pick up! :)